Everyday Zen Foundation


48 Charlotte's Way
Muir Beach, CA 94965

Website: www.everydayzen.org

Email: zoketsu@aol.com

Phone: (415) 581-8125

The Everyday Zen Foundation’s mission is to share the Zen attitude, spirit, and practice with the world. It is dedicated to listening to the world, to changing it and being changed by it.

Everyday Zen’s work involves many areas: traditional zen practice (talks, retreats, personal relationship); work with Jewish and Christian meditation, with the dying, with lawyers and conflict resolvers, with business, with poetry and literature. This work is accomplished through Norman’s teaching and writing and traveling, as well as through the activities of the many supporters and practitioners of Everyday Zen, all of whom are engaging with spiritual practice in the world.

Affiliated Teachers:
Hoka Chris Fortin
Zoketsu Norman Fischer
Renshin Bunce

Accessibility: Everyday Zen Foundation does not have a permanent space. Places of gathering used by Everyday Zen Foundation offer varying levels of accessibility.